
An unexpected partial day off today. When I finally made it to work, the power was out. It had been out since 2pm on Sunday. We waited around shivering for about two hours and were then finally sent home.

I stopped by my house, picked up my smallest and headed to a local coffee shop/bookstore. Two of my workmates were there, and we enjoyed each other's company until I had to go pick up my oldest.

I felt so alive and excited to spend an unexpected day with my boys. After picking my oldest son, we headed to a Peruvian restaurant for lunch with my son's friend from school and her mom. We had a nice time, and I was surprised how well all three kids behaved.

I wanted to then take them downtown to the yarn store and chocolate shoppe, but we were running out of time. So it was off to the video store for some movies and a stop at the health food store for some vitamins. By the time we reached home, we were all beat. I ended up crashing on their floor in their room on a pillow, while they napped.

I think daylight savings time has gotten the best of us for now. I'm hoping to get to bed earlier tonight. Time for some dinner!

Wishing every day was as mellow and unplanned as this one.

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