Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Up Up and Away....

I returned home late this afternoon to the sight of my son riding his skateboard with a huge umbrella in his hand. He and Daddy thought that he might be to use all of this wind we've been having to his advantage. So he was 'umbrella skating', my daughter was hosing off the gravel with the hose, and my husband was back and forth helping each of them with their projects. A little fresh air for everyone.

I was driving home from my appointment today and my husband called to tell me not to rush home, "Go do something for yourself for a while". He could sense that I was feeling a little high strung today so it was actually excellent advice. But when faced with the open afternoon, I didn't quite know what I wanted to do. I ended up at my favorite bookstore / coffee shop. I ordered a new cold drink, 'The Cocoa Cappuccino'. I forgot to say decaf but I think the extra caffeine helped to unwind me a bit.

I went right over to the photography section. Photoshop CS5. This is a difficult program for me so I decided to study it a little. I ended up pouring all of my attention into several photoshop books. I know the basics so I was looking for the magic and flare. It is absolutely amazing what can be done with photographs in this program. I focused on layers and what that all means. I looked at many examples of extreme and abstract editing. I slowly found myself starting to unwind. I was in my creative element. I just needed a little creativity today.

****Oh and I have backblips from the weekend that I will try to post tomorrow! (A classic one of my sister)

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