
By SomeGuyInNJ

At least some folk are enjoying the flood water...

Took Little Big Girl and the Little Monster to the doctor today. LBG was having a followup for her Scarlet Fever and LM was getting a few shots she couldnt have last week before her ear operation. LM got her shots okay but LBG apparently still has a red throat so they did a culture for strep and it came back positive, so she's on another 10 days antibiotics (different one this time).

While waiting for the pharmacy to sort the script out we drove around the cemetry across the road to get some shot of gravestones under the sullen sky. As we came past the flooded river side side of the cemetry a load of geese waddled along through the flood water splashing and honking away. I had the wrong lens on for the shot but took a few anyways. I like their reflections in the water and decided to go with it instead of any gravestone shots for todays blip.

Been too bust last few days to check out many other blips... I'll try and catch up tomorrow.

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