Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Life Abundant

Not just life...
Not just a good life...
an Abundant Life.

Life that overflows with kind thoughts, words, deeds....
Not those that come from laboriously thought out methods of delivering such, but the kind that bubble out because there is lush abundance, and the only way to receive more is to give away what bubbles up so there's room for more.

This does not come naturally to a single soul that I know, myself included. So where do we get it? We try everything. We chase ideas, talents, more ideas...the wind. Our souls hunger and thirst for rich, abundant, life.

The gathering around the table of a few, honest, souls tonight, who shared their hunger and their need, but also their discoveries.

To quote one, "joy is the supernatural delight in the purpose of God, the presence of God and the people of God". Hmmmm....beyond me....I feel tired. Not the natural delight, but the supernatural one...the one I can't muster myself. OK.
Then another, "I love Proverbs 20:5", and she read, "Counsel in the heart of a man is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out."
Yep, deep. Deep water.

I love these people, I'm a bit refreshed, first day back at work drained what I had stored, now I seek a reservoir that is deeper than my own.

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