What Eye Spy

By Snappybiatch

Distortion or WHANGDEPOOTENAWAH?????

WHANGDEPOOTENAWAH, n. In the Ojibwa tongue, disaster; an unexpected affliction that strikes hard.

Should you ask me whence this laughter, Whence this audible big-smiling, With its labial extension, With its maxillar distortion And its diaphragmic rhythmus Like the billowing of an ocean, Like the shaking of a carpet, I should answer, I should tell you: From the great deeps of the spirit, From the unplummeted abysmus Of the soul this laughter welleth As the fountain, the gug-guggle, Like the river from the canon, To entoken and give warning That my present mood is sunny. Should you ask me further question -- Why the great deeps of the spirit, Why the unplummeted abysmus Of the soule extrudes this laughter, This all audible big-smiling, I should answer, I should tell you With a white heart, tumpitumpy, With a true tongue, honest Injun: William Bryan, he has Caught It, Caught the Whangdepootenawah!

~ Ambrose Bierce

I was just thinking that............... Uber thanks to all for yesterday's 200th comments - every one appreciated, blip is magic innit :D

My challenge for the day is find a common or everyday situation I can use WHANGDEPOOTENAWAH in, what a great word - fair rolls round the mouth and slips off the tongue....... CxXx

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