The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

The Supper Dance

This is Ella doing her supper dance around the kitchen whilst waiting for the call to the table...she is in one of those very interesting, slightly exhausting, always amusing questions only a four year old could think of moods.

So far, we've had questions about boobs, babies, the difference between chicken and fish, growing up. Right at this moment she is perfecting a scene from "Despicable Me" so for the last five minutes I've heard this:

"Rule number one, you will not touch annnnnything. Rule number two, you will not bother me whilst I am working. Rule number three, you will not cry, or whine, or laugh or geegle (sic) or sneeze or burp or fart." This is repeated over and over with each of them vying for the best Gru impersonation. It was really funny the first couple of times. Now I'm questioning their sanity.*

*I'd like to point out that although they have this DVD they have only watched it a couple of times. They seem to have developed a knack for mimicking stuff like this. Honestly, there is no need to inform the TV police - they are not kept glued to the electronic babysitting device 24/7...honest!

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