Botanical Gardens

Well, we woke up at Coombe Abbey and it was not very nice weather which kind of put a scupper on our plans, so we decided to head back to Sheffield to enjoy the rest of the day there. Byt the time we had got back to Sheffield the weather had improved so we took some monkey nuts and went to feed the squirrels in Botanical Gardens following last weeks visit with the parents.. Which was followed up by a lazy wander/lunch along Eccy Road.

P.S. Nearly choose the "flying squirrel" (see flickr) but this was just too cute!

Later in the evening I had the funniest experience of seeing my friends new white cat go up her coal fire chimney and come out grey! ROFL, wasn't funny at the time as he is really nervous and we didn't know how to get him out, but after......nearly crying with tears! Even worse her other half is out of the country so she had to break the news over text!

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