Thank you Katiemoo!

A lovely surprise when we got home today - a parcel. I do love a parcel, especially when it has my name on it and a Peppa book inside! Along with the book, was a note from Katie, who said that her Mummy saw this book and thought of me. How kind is that? The book is a story about Peppa's birthday party. Her friends all come round, Daddy Pig does magic, and they dress up. Funnily enough, we watched this very episode this morning!At the back of the book, there were some pop-out dolls and their dressing-up things. Mummy and I had lots of fun getting them ready for the party! I wanted to go to the fancy dress party too, and told Mum I wanted to be a clown.

In other news, Orla went to the Childsmile nurse today. She did so well, I was really proud of her. She chatted away to the nurse and opened her mouth wide to let her paint on the fluoride paste. Then Orla had a go with teddy! I think we've got Peppa Pig to thank for that - reading "The Dentist" to her and explaining that she was going too I think gave her the confidence to enjoy the experience!

[Late Edit] Childsmile is a programme in our local authority area, designed to reduce the (very) high levels of childhood tooth decay. It starts with the health visitor giving you advice on how to look after your baby's teeth (don't give them sweeties, don't fill a bottle with Irn Bru and let them suck constantly on it all day, that kind of thing) and then they refer you to the Childsmile nurse, a dental nurse dedicated to children under school age. As well as seeing the dentist every six months, your child also sees the nurse (so has an appointment every 3 months) and the nurse paints a fluoride paste on their teeth (in theory, this is the first time in three visits it's actually succeeded with Orla!). Unfortunately, as both the dentist and the nurse have observed, it tends to be only parents who are bothered about their children's teeth anyway who actually take their children to the Childsmile nurse. So I'm not sure it's having the desired effect of reducing tooth decay.

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