Big Feet. Small Steps.

By bigfeet

A Moment with Fisher...

Meet our family cat. I swear I have more pictures of my cat than of myself, and that probably makes me a cat lady, but so be it. She is the awesomest cat. I like to provide her inner monologue when she does things. For example, I had a photoshoot with her for this blip. She was a bit uncooperative, and basically told me to get the f*@%$ng camera out of her face. She said it with her eyes, but she was purring, so she couldnt have been too pissed at me.

Anyway, she's cool because she knows that she likes sleeping on fuzzy blankets, laying on paper, and curling up with my mom when she watches TV (usually Law and Order). She quietly mocks us and makes fun of us in her head. She also speaks (to herself) in a French accent and is very interested in human eating habits. She's fond of chicken, fish, beef, turkey, ham, bread, french fries, ice cream, and sherbet (both lime and orange). She is very easily amused by crumpled up paper or foil and likes to attack your feet under the blanket. It's nice that she still plays when she's 9. She's dealing with the fact that the Christmas tree has been taken down, which was her favorite place to sleep (guarding the presents, snooping, etc).

I think she thinks that she owns the house and only lets us live here. But it's because she loves us. She would probably love you too.

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