Planko's Pics

By planko

I've seen the light

Started listening to my Ipod (on my iphone) again today. First time in a very very long time, and re-discovered the godfather of soul this morning. Even though it was pi$$ing it down, i was walking along Princes Street with a smile on my face and a funky shuffle in my step...its hard not to when listening to James Brown!

That started the day off nicely, and had a really positive and very encouraging "away day" this afternoon. Very very refreshing. Decided to just have 2 beers tonight and skip the curry after work, as wanted to get home at a semi decent hour.

Think I missed a blip opportunity though, as I'm 99% sure Jools Holland was in the next room presenting some awards, either that or the guy we kept hearing over the microphone next door was an impersonator as he sounded exactly like JH. It would have been extreemly rude to rush out with my camera half way thought our session, especially on my second day ;)

Today's offering was taken at the now defunct Errol Station, not far from home. Been unused for years although trains still fly past it as its on the main Dundee-Perth line. No idea why the lights have Dundee Harbour on them so will do some research and re-visit for more blips.


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