Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky


Extremely busy day today. My boss is leaving to go skiing tomorrow morning so of course her computer picked today to totally pack in. Cue much running around trying to do her job on lots of different machines and us doing a lot of stuff we don't normally do. It all was sorted in the end though and she got away in a relatively happy mood!!

Tonight went to meet up with my good friend. His parents and he are up from down South for a little mini break and although I couldn't get time off work, we went for dinner to Pink Olive, near the apartments they're staying in. It was absolutely gorgeous and the server was lovely. I had ox tongue as a starter (wasn't keen on it - had an odd texture and I was expecting it to be a bit meatier) and then a Greek veggie platter for main. Their homemade tzatziki is absolutely fantastic. Very creamy and moreish. In fact I texted A halfway through to tell me how many points were in tzatziki because I thought it must have really been ruining my diet! Thankfully not, and in the same vein I passed on the orange and chocolate cake with orange sauce and chocolate ice cream. Nearly killed me that did... ;)

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