secret garden

By freespiral

Full of the joys of Spring

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments on my blipday!! Still enjoying the last few hours of the red balloon :)

Another astonishingly gorgeous day - frost this morning then wall to wall sunshine! The walking bus travelled at a rather sedate pace today, I think we're all tired and ready for our day off tomorrow in honour of St Paddy. As I walked the return bus route, a really nice space to just unwind, this little wren was right next to my car singing its heart out! Such a tiny little bird but a mighty voice and it was totally unfazed by me and posed very kindly. He will do very nicely for the spring challenge too.

Watched the Girl who Kicked the Hornets' Nest last night. Not quite as action packed as the first two, focusing on bringing together numerous complicated twists in the plot. Amazingly well acted and produced though.

Laura, German wwoofer, is cooking tonight - bliss! I think it's going to be squash and apple curry :)

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