
By Tinks

Happy to be back!

It was nice to have a little break from the blip but it was also like there was something missing!

I'm still especially busy with one thing and another and on top of an already hectic life we're moving 3 hours north in May, which means even more stuff to do.... BUT..... I did miss the challenge of taking a daily pic, posting comments, writing comments, looking at everyone else's photos and the general feel good factor that is associated with this site. I also couldn't believe how many of my friends and family asked me where my blip was; they all said how much they liked it and found it a great way to keep intouch with what I was doing. So, I'm going to try and give at least 1/2 an hour a day... even if on the busier days it's just to download!

Apologies in advance for not looking and commenting on your back blips.... it would take me far too long! Let me know if I've missed anything REALLY important though!

P.S. Happy New Year XxXxX

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