what a nice surprise...

By amcewan

stuck in the books

presentation today at uni that i had no idea how to structure. Finances are the most horrible thing that man could possibly do due to the fact that good finances are those that are made up that look real... That makes no sense i know, as finances should be facts and figures, but when it comes to business plans its all about guessing.

I have a mini exam tomorrow for my module facilities planning for hospitality tourism and events, so i have decided to get my nose back in to the books. not really something im good at, but it has to be done. sifting through almost 70 slides is not fun especially if you have the attention span of a 3 year old.

after getting home I met up with my brother and had to help him and his pals lift a sofa up a stair case that wasn't even wide enough for a person never mind the couch. In the end we had to take the thing apart and take it up bit by bit which was a tedious task

Ahhhhh the things we do for friends.

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