Out & About

I was hoping to sneak a couple of pinhole camera shops when I was down at the shops today but I couldn't get away from one of the security guards - he seemed to be stalking me.
Or maybe it was just that the place was so quiet he stuck out like a sore thumb.
I will need to try later in the day tomorrow.

But I did get a couple of sneaky shots with the Lumix slung over my shoulder.

We were going to go and visit our sick friend on the way back from the shops - but got a text from our daughter who was standing on our doorstep.
She broke down in tears when we arrived and let her in.
Her work is completly ignoring her and her attempts to arrange going back to work part time (or at least without 6am starts) when her maternity leave finishes.
It means that she cannot arrange childcare etc and is really getting her down.

So we had lunch and she and I went off to the Citizens Advice Bureau leaving the Cygnet in the capable hands of SWMBO (well - he was having a nap).

The lady at the CAB was very helpful and has given guidlines for sending a letter to work which could form the basis of an industrial tribuneral should it get to that point.

I was quite chuffed with some of the pictures of The Cygnet I got today.

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