
By Chiara

Super Tuesday

Had early morning hot chocolate with Jake. He looks like a granola-munching hippie, but nothing could be further from the truth. He's growing his hair out so he can donate it to Locks of Love. Pretty nice, huh?

Jake & I watched The Assassination of Jesse James. It's good, but if they left some of the scenes on the cutting room floor, it'd be 10x better. It's way too drawn out. If you watch the first ten minutes, then fast forward to 10 minutes before Jesse James gets killed (which is like 2 hours into the movie) and watch it until the end, you'll pretty much get the whole story. The ending saved the whole movie, and that's saying a lot. I wouldn't watch it again. Sorry, Brad.

We then braved the disgusting murky weather to vote in the basement of a local church. Actually, I didn't vote because I had to do it somewhere else and my shoes & socks were soaked to the core (thanks to Chicago's lousy drainage system) and all I wanted to do was go home and put on dry clothes.

When I waited for Jake to finish voting, I snapped a photo of a "No Smoking" sticker, only it said "No Puffin". I thought it was hilarious that, of all places in the world, I found it inside a church.

Oh, the blip of the day is of a puppet Jake's girlfriend bought in Mexico. It's pretty, but slightly creepy. I love it.

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