The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies


Books are a big deal in our home. This is the bookcase for the kids: the downstairs bookcase for all their favourite daytime books and games*. At the moment Callum is obsessed with puzzles; the Big Wheels jigsaw is a favourite and Ella loves the Tigger and Pooh and jigsaw. Some of these books are ones that Hannah loved when she was a wee toot - some are new ones that the kids are still getting to know. Callum loves the Hairy McClary books about a wee terrier and his high-jinks with all his dog pals. Ella loves the Charlie and Lola stories, The Cat in the Hat and a really peculiar one about a wallaby called "Ouch in my Pouch". Hannah? Well, unless it's written by J.K.Rowling, Hannah's not much interested in anything else. Although I did convince her to have another look at the Diary of the Wimpy Kid book tonight so fingers crossed the spell will be broken.

I'm reading "Eat, Pray, Love" which was given to me by one of my pupils...she reckoned it was all a load of hippy nonsense but I'm quite enjoying it (perhaps that says something about my love of hippy nonsense?) and Philip? Philip last read a book when he was in sixth year at school. I periodically leave books that I think he would like beside his bed. He periodically picks them up and looks at the first couple of pages.

Which leads me to ask - what is your favourite book? (I can't choose a favourite, it would be like choosing a favourite family member and that's just not cricket).

*just in case any of previous posts may have given the impression that we are all potato shaped couch dwellers...

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