
By willcarroll

Will you risk it?

What do the words "Holiness" and "Risk" mean when they are linked together?

They should say something profound about the way the church looks and the way that those who call themselves part of the church live.

Methodism in Scotland is wrestling with this question:
"What does 'Holiness and Risk' mean"?

This is what we were sharing as Methodist people gathered for the day at Tulliallan Police college - where these discussions were taking place.

The answer includes "probably different things in different places"
And also "a lot more than the Christian community currently embodies"

To be "Holy" is to begin to respect the understanding that you might be made in the image of God, and so there is something unique, valuable, and irreplacable about you.

In this context, to "Risk" is to allow this understanding to shape the way that you live.

I've been asking the questions of myself and friends for a little while now (at least since last March) - whether in this language or through other more familiar ideas - to explore these concepts.

But today I was challenged by another more practical proposition - a moment when the idea can become an action, the concept can take a shape.

I don't know how I will respond yet.


And related to yesterday's post, I couldn't get this out of my head. My prayers are still with you all.

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