Small Blue Ball

By smallblueball

Jugs and Charity

Day 59
17 Mar 11

Sometimes the most mundane objects are those which deserve
the most attention. The same way stones in your shoes
absorb your whole attention on a hill, or hitting a curve
at 90 mph in the rain makes you realize if you lose
your grip then that is about it. Game over.
Sitting here working and watching the box (not ideal)
but Hey! I work for myself. I see A List and B Listers
staggering across a desert for charity. They feel
compelled to walk for Kenyan families, fathers, sisters
sons and wives whose eyes do not see.
Impressive stuff. Shame about the rest of the bunch
stuffing its face and guzzling down wine and bitching
about trivia. Literally and metaphorically out to lunch.
And when I looked up I saw rows of vases near the windowpane
empty pitchers, like deserts waiting for water
And on the TV, sightless hope, endless sand;
thirsty blind families; waiting for the rain.

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