The Times They Are A Changin!!!!!!

Went along to keep an eye on Peter for a couple of hours, while he slept. A quick game of fitba with Lewis, I won of course(theres lessons in defeat as well you know). Then off to meet my Dad and Elaine, for a couple of drinks and a nice meal.

Met in Deacon Brodies for a drink, they toke me to Khushis Indian Restaurant on Victoria St. I have to say it was superb. One of the best Indian Meals I've had since I had one in Bombay. Some Veggie Pakoras followed by the Chicken Karahi. With a nice Argentinian Red from M&S. I usually have a nice Single Malt after but theres nae Bevvy License.(It's BYOB BTW*). You can even bring in a pint from the Boozer next door if you want. After dinner we had a pint in the Irish place next door, great place for Sports, and watched the second half of the Republic/Brazil game. I forget the names of places these days. No point in remembering them now, as the next time I'm home they'll have all changed again.

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