What Eye Spy

By Snappybiatch


A light bulb blew last night which reminded me of this little bit of Astrofun.........

How Many Sun Signs Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb

Aries - One, to change it quickly. Needs to be done NOW, no time to check if it's the right fitting, now it's broken and its all YOUR fault!!!

Taurus - One, to slowly, patiently remove the bulb, check the light fixture is electrically safe, carefully unwrap the most expensive gold filament bulb. Then nip off to the pub for a spot of lunch and couple of beers.. be right back.

Gemini - Five, One to start changing it, the next to take over when he gets bored, the next to take over when he sees something more interesting, the next to take over when the phone rings.....

Cancer - Two (brothers), to argue over who will change it for Mother, to buy the bulbs we ALWAYS buy in this family and to keep the old burned out bulb, just in case, you never know.... they get lost in conversation about when they first bought the lamp alllllll those years ago......

Leo - None, you won't catch any Leo's doing such a menial task but they will advise you on the best possible light bulb and how to install it. They need ALL the fifteen soft-effect bulbs round the bathroom mirror working at all times. Hmmm what is my best side Mr de Mille......

Virgo - One is more than enough to carefully, capably get the bulb out of the clearly marked cupboard marked Household Items, in the box marked Bulbs with the paper neatly wrapped round it and labelled 40w clear. Perfect.

Libra - At least three, to debate on whether it should be 60watt or 40watt, soft pink coloured or not, on the other hand darkness is quite good too, hmmmm what do YOU think????

Scorpio - None, they like it in the dark. It becomes them. They feel at home in it as it's all the better for keeping secrets, plotting revenge and committing crimes of passion......

Sagittairus - No time to do that as running late and off out. I've got a torch in my rucksack and I'll be fine - don't worry about anything.

Capricorn - Just one, to quietly and steadily dispose of the burned out bulb and replace it with a new one, which is a top brand bought in bulk for a discount that would make a buyer weep. Bulb changed straight away to avoid any drop in employee productivity.

Aquarius - A committee of 25, made up of all representative members of the community. They meet twice a week to discuss how best and most fairly affect the procedure of changing lightbulbs and to organise facilities for recycling glass.

Pisces - What light bulb???? The question is do we want to change it at all, do we need light or is love our light?? It all depends on your destiny, your path after all darkness is the necessary yin to our yang??

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