Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Seeds and Nuts

This photo represents several of those "great idea" moments. Mrs. Joesblips was clearing out one of her voluminous handbags the other day and found, littered in the bottom, most of this treasure trove (all except the pepper, I think) of seeds and nuts which she had collected over the last six months or so. You know the way it is. You are walking about in strange places and you come across a tree or a shrub which is shedding its seeds. You wonder whether these might be grown at home. You are eating a juicy peach and when you are down to the stone in the centre, you have similar thoughts. Great ideas!

The problem is that months later when you rummage in your bag and find all this lot, you have forgotten what most of them were in the first place. You've even forgotten where you picked them up. I do seem to remember that a few came home with us from Barcelona but goodness knows what they might grow up to be!

As far as I'm concerned though, it's an ill wind which blows no good. It doesn't matter if she never plants them, we had fun making the collection and best of all they provide me with a blip today.

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