What's up today?

By sabby

And so it was back to school..

Almost everyday, I walk down that corridor with the company of my group of friends.. Just now, I was with my baby.. :') we went to fetch SIL from school and it sure do bring back good memories..

Just now at work, there's this guy who was MAJORLY flirting with me. He's staring and flirting and I do not know his intentions so I didn't say I was married. He stares at me even from a distant. I should be flattered but I do not know why but I am so disgusted!! Its not like he touch me or anything but I feel like sanitizing myself after he left. That's how disgusted I felt!!

Told dear abt it and he wasn't even a little jealous. At least I didn't say anything lame abt my dream car! Pfft .

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