
By LuckyJim

Train in vain

Hastily snapped this through the window of the 7.59 to Edinburgh this morning. It looks ominous, but it was actually a beautiful start to the day.

On the return trip, I finished reading Freakonomics. While the book puts forward some excellent and convincing theories, I couldn't help feeling that the authors could have probably said everything they set out to in a 12,000 word essay. A lot of the material is spread marmite-thin and padded out with pseudo-academic waffle.

They definitely started to believe their own hype a bit too much as well - in the edition I have, each chapter is interspersed by excerpts from their own glowing reviews.

Verdict: get it from the library, it'll only take you a couple of days to finish.

Today's tune:
I Don't Wanna Go Down to the Basement - The Ramones

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