Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

It's a new dawn, it's a new day!

Another busy day ... good busy though! Had a bit of a lie in this morning, thank you lovely hubby!

Got ready, headed for my daily Crafty Cupcake fix although this time it was more business than pleasure! I met with Christography & we talked more about business and less about putting the worlds to rights today! We're going to be taking pictures at a Victorian style wedding! I'm very excited, although a little nervous too!

Lil K had his class assembly, I was a little worried as he has started mumbling and sentences sound like a single word but he spoke beautifully when it was his turn 'Dear Daddy, i'm in space & I saw an alien and a shooting star, Love Koen' So proud! I glanced over at the teacher to get either a reassuring nod or a reluctant shake ... A sigh of relief when I got the nod, he'd been a good boy today & by all accounts got stickers for excellent work! Big K had an appointment at the fracture clinic ... xrayed ... sent home! All is looking good!

Home time, sun is shining so got out in the garden to get a nice sunny blip, this is called a 'Kojo tree' it's part of the Cherry blossom family and was bought for us by my parents as we call lil K 'Kojo'

A nice relaxed evening is planned for tonight, fingers crossed!

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