Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Red Nose Day 2011

What a difference 24 hours makes!

I've had a lovely day doing supply today and my self-esteem has lifted immensely from yesterday.

I love my job 99.9% of the time and I know that I'm good at what I do but that tiny part of me that feels insecure can so often lord it over the rest of me. Thank you for the kind comments; I'll try and stay positive.

This is number 3 son with his face paints on taken at some ungodly hour this morning before I left for work. I had to get up 15 minutes earlier to do this - the things we do for love eh?!

Happy RND and here's to a beautiful weekend (hopefully). I've actually got some 'me' time tomorrow as I'm off to the NEC with some friends - I'm not saying what for as you'll think I'm really sad!!

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