Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Elizabeth got on fine with the childminder yesterday. She cried for about 10 minutes after I'd left, but was happy for the rest of the day. I'm sure that if she wasn't full of the cold and teething there would have been no tears at all.

We had a day at home today, because I couldn't get anyone else to look after her. I wasn't really looking forward to it, to be honest, because I'm not feeling great myself and she's been so grumpy lately. But all in all, it was a good day, with the exception of the hour it took me to try to get her to nap this afternoon... and when she was almost gone the cat jumped on the bed, so we had to abandon that nap.

I decided to take her out for a walk, as in her walking. So we drove up to the town and walked to the co-op and back to buy a packet of biscuits. It took an hour! Everytime someone walked past she would stop and watch them pass, and sometimes decide to go in that direction instead. She gave EVERYONE huge smiles as they went past, we got loads of comments. She also spent a long time admiring herself in Boot's window. In the end I had to carry her the last little bit because she was worn out.

Maybe it will help her sleep better tonight? We could all do with some proper sleep.

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