In Between Days

By jase

I'm Luke Skywalker. I'm here to rescue you!

A housebound last minute blip (again).

He is actually L's. I used to have one but lost him a long time ago.

I remember going to see Star Wars with my older brother. I remember it, partly because it was an amazing film to to see in 78 but also because it was initially very traumatic. My mum sent us to the cinema in town (closed down now of course) with just enough money to get in. Unfortunately the cinema decided Star Wars was a good movie to choose to start charging more. I think that we had a pound each and were both maybe ten pence short. This is a lot of disappointment for a eight year old to take after queuing a long time to see the movie everyone wanted to see. I think I cried all the way home. I definitely remember crying.

My mum of course reached into her purse and we made it to the next showing :)

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