
After a late night (early morning, if you like), I got up at 10 am and pootled around for a while.

D, U and I headed out to Bennets for breakfast. It was a beautiful, Mediterranean style cafe. We had coffee and vege toasties and sat and chatted. The weather was perfectly behaved. The waiter was French, so I got to practise on him. He was surprised to find a French speaker in Mangawhai. He thought I actually was French, which was a huge compliment. Maybe my accent isn't suffering as much as I thought it was!

Then we headed off to Mangawhai Heads Surf Beach for a long walk. The clouds had started to come in and the rain hit us a few times as we were walking. It didn't cramp our style though. I'm not sure how long it took us or how far it was, but my legs certainly felt it!

On the way back to the car, I bumped into a couple with two German Shepherds. As I was making a fuss of the dogs, I got chatting to their owners and they invited me to stay at their place. They said that since I was from Christchurch and they wanted to help in any way they could, I was welcome to come and spend a few days at their place after leaving D and U's place. I thanked them but assured them that I had to go back to work on Monday!

Air New Zealand then rang me up to tell me that I wasn't going to get on the plane I was provisionally booked on and would I like them to put me on an earlier flight. I was amazed and impressed that they would call me, since I'm only on standby and payed next to nothing for the flight. I am going to write them a letter to say how grateful I have been for their service.

Then we played two games of Upwords (both of which, I won - despite trying to help D to get some good words).

Late to bed again.

See ya.

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