Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Why Did They Do That?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Leave well enough alone. Don't mess with success.

All these sayings came to mind while I was relaxing after an enjoyable meal prepared by C. They were prompted by the label on a bottle of beer sitting on the counter between the kitchen and the dining room. Let me explain.

After pickleball this morning I made my customary stop at the Food Co-op to see if the lunch special was worth taking home to share with C. (There's been a bit too much tofu lately). I made my usual diversion past the beer shelves and saw what I thought was a new offering by New Belgium -- one of my favorite breweries. Seeing a new label ( the one on the left), I naturally picked up a couple of bottles to sample. When I got home and showed them to C, she said she thought it was a beer I'd had before. I rummaged through the stock on the pantry floor and saw that she was right.

I don't think the new label is an improvement, and that's putting it mildly, but the beer's still good.

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