
By dsyglsy


it was my birthday today! yippee....I love birthdays - and not just mine (although, obviously that's my favourite one). everyone's birthday should be celebrated properly as the day they arrived into the world - there are far too many people wasting time worrying and being depressed about getting older. birthdays are a time to celebrate!

I had a great day shopping with karen, lisa and peggy...some serious retail therapy was had thanks to ugg australia...and after an ill-judged caffeinated coffee I felt wired to the hilt and very odd til about 8pm. the word 'light-weight' just doesn't cover me...

I got some ace presents and heaps of cash for my new uggs...a glass grinder for my stained glass endeavours, a facial...but my favourite was a framed poster of 'the life aquatic with Steve zissou' from my mum and dad - it's bloody brilliant! that's a future blip for sure...

oh, and I nearly forgot to mention the photo...I spent the morning helping b dress up for comic relief at school...he's in love with himself as a pirate. I asked him to look menacing for the photo...and this is what he could manage...well, he looks the part, but I think I could easily commandeer his ship if this is as menacing as he can get...hahaha.

and lastly - beth did a sponsored stand for comic relief today. she didn't sit down for six hours and forty-five minutes - and she raised £67.80 - which could potentially buy malaria medicine for 160 babies in zambia. well done betty! *proud*

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