The Price of Fife...

This is how much it costs you to go from Edinburgh to Fife. In fact to go south into the North of Fife from Dundee costs 80 pence as well so you might say it's a pretty exclusive place.

The commuting traffic tonight was pretty bad and it turns out it was due to the fact that some of the Forth Road Bridge toll booths are being taken down as, from Monday, the tolls are being abolished.

There's a new underpass on the way from Edinburgh to the bridge in which all the bored drivers were sounding their horns. It's the kind of thing you only really hear in city based american films. Horns blaring left right and centre. It was quite funny and raised a few giggles on the bus.

This was the BlipBank entry accrued from my little encounter in Glasgow last week and for those not from Scotland, this is a 1 pound note. It's still legal tender anywhere in the UK but only Scotland produces them although they are getting rarer and rarer. They certainly raise eyebrows in London.

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