A blip a day...

By gspics


Was on the Britannia royal yacht today and took this photo of some of the electrical works. Also found an interesting piece on the growing of beards on their website.

1.The growing of a beard whilst serving in the Royal Yacht is permitted provided that the beard is respectable by the time the Standard is broken and the first time it appears in public.
2.The rules are as follows: The granting of a request to discontinue shaving will carry with it an automatic stoppage of leave for 14 days. At the end of this time the beard will be inspected and a further 14 days stoppage may be given. Should the beard still be untidy after 28 days the order to continue shaving will be given. The stoppage of leave applies to members of all sports and recreation parties where there is the slightest chance of meeting anyone outside the Royal Yacht. Requests for leave to take part in representative games will not necessarily be granted.
3.Except for medical reasons a request to continue shaving will not be granted within 6 months of the granting of the request to grow.

Think its time to get the razor out !

G x

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