
By middleman


Bit of an activity filled day which has left me practically counting down the minutes until our takeout curry arrives.

Both girls were up in the night with bad dreams and I spent half the night in one bed and half the night in another and I think at one point someone was in our bed as well who isn't usually there. I dunno, it was all a bit of a blur.

Kids film Despicable Me was fine enough this morning at the cinema, followed by big swim and then took my eldest girl into town, all the way to Underground Solushn at the bottom of Cockburn Street to pick up some choice vinyl. Then back up to Bruntsfield to spend a king's ransom on Brownies uniform. And she was on her bike all the way there and back, further then she's ever cycled before. It did seem quite a trek, we needed the cafe stop in Project Coffee, we really did.

Have more or less started from scatch musically with the Tradi Mods Vs Rockers : Alternative Takes On Congotronics album. This was one of those albums that I was really excited about pre-release, bought immediately it came out, bunged on the ipod and then...didn't actually listen to that much in the end. Think there must have been a lot more out at the time and I got a wee bit sidetracked. Anyway, had it on again today and the highlight was this absolutely gorgeous string-laden track, Andrew Bird's take on Konono No 1.

Musical bonus - if I can find a clip, bear with me...argh, no clip but I'll tell you anyway. The guy in the record shop was playing this album and what I heard was pretty damned sublime. Summat else to save up for.

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