Club 107

By club107

Day 2 in the Home Alone household

Hello Sunshine

Oh its not that bad let's face it. Quite enjoy the thrill and rush of organising everything on my own but I owuldn't like ot make a major habit of it. I wonder how people coped before the likes of dishwashers existed. Time would really have been filled with drudgery. As it was, in between the usual householdey chores, I managed to get another new one on the menu for number 1 son, ricotta and spinach pasta, got out in time for the three dance classes, managed to get for a cup of tea with our eldest, ok so anything juice like with bits is out but we're AOK for some tea and now at 8:16pm I just have a bit of tidying up and will hopefully be in bed well before the midnight last night.

No comment, yes I seriously think I'll have no time for commenting at all.

Hope the weekend shines for everyone.

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