Nina and Mrs Rabbit

Three days of frenetic activity leaves its mark on a 2 year old.

Nina was exhausted after her high jinks with Ralph and slept for two hours on the train from Shipley to Carlisle.

To say that her mother was relieved is an understatement, and it meant that we could both slump in our seats and admire the picturesque Yorkshire Dale country as we rolled along in the sunshine demolishing as we went the two Cadbury's Easter eggs that had accompanied us all the way from Glasgow on Thursday.

We felt that the calories used up in the last few days almost justified their consumption -almost. Naughty but nice is a phrase that comes to mind.

And so home to the peace and silence of the Dower House, but with the exuberant chatter and laughter of the cousins ringing in my ears, and the feeling of a soft downy head against mine when engaged in baby cuddling.

Till the next time.

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