Clean Slate

By cleanslate


Totally unsatisfactory blip day. Heaps and heaps and bags of potential and diddly squat to show for it. Humph.

Had half an hour in the morning sun in the garden, whilst Mr Cleanslate was entertaining the monsters (upgraded from rascals)... AND... a further sun drenched hour in the park with said delinquents (they've not had a good day) later on.

My photography course has definitely turned me into a worse photographer :-( I'm still hoping the effect is temporary and I am really enjoying understanding why some shots work and some don't. Basically, I might be crap but I know why I'm crap :-) That sort of self awareness could win awards in its own right (surely)??

Anyway, I've spent all my blipping time deciding which picture is the least rubbish, so now I'm experiencing pressure (falafels burning sort of pressure) and I didn't even have chance to rant about the joys of taking a four year old and an unstable two year old to the park. Grumble, grumble, grumble....

You haven't escaped though, with sunnier days looming, I'll fill you in another time...

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