
I was up with the lazier birds this morning around 09:15 as we ran out of heating oil and it wasn't being delivered until this morning, so it was bloody freezing!
Anyhow, I managed to get to the Irish Blog Awards Photo Walk meet up outside Belfast's City Hall where we were treated to a tour of the building (Flickr set to follow at some point), and then it was straight onto a bus over to the Titanic Quarter, so named to capitalise on Belfast's fine shipbuilding history, but particularly on the history of the Titanic itself. We were allowed access to the as yet unfinished signature project which is a pointy structure five stories high (you'll understand when you see the pics!). It was hard hats, high vis and steel toe-capped boots time. Some one said we were like a badly organised Village People dance group!
I managed to almost fill two 4GB CF cards so I've some processing to do, but here are my three favourite shots of the day so far.
My Blip itself shows Clair (a Twitter and Flickr friend) and Amanda, a family friend and photographer.
Juice is a behind the scenes shot at the City Hall and Father & Son is one of those "Aw, look at the the cute kid!" shots.


Father & Son

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