Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

Irish Pub in Berlin - cant beat it :)

A bit of a crap photo perhaps but a great evening :) Ended up at the Irish Pub after a full/good day at our conference. We were a large group of international (IB) teachers watching the Ireland/England Rugby game....some more enthusiastic than others :) I could care less about Rugby BUT it was fun watching the Irish get all excited about it. And it was a great group of people - many with amazing backgrounds and lots of good stories. I met this lovely Brit....sometimes it is just so nice to meet someone who you just know is good through and through - AND fun :) It is always a bit of a gift meeting some people - and this meeting made me smile.

This weekend in Berlin has been good for me....workwise - it has been a great conference - helpful and inspiring, great being in Berlin, and Ive just met so many interesting people - lovely!

I hope you have had a good Saturday as well :)

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