Downtown Train - Tom Waits

I did warn everyone that this years links would be a lot more tenuous. Obviously this photo has absolutely nothing to do with the sing title. I decided to go for one for the first line (or maybe it's two) of the song instead. Oh, and I know I've done Tom Waits already this month, but I've decided to bend the rules I set four years ago. I plan to feature him at least once more before the month is out.

This is a favourite song of mine and I'll have to apologise to any Rod Stewart fans out there because it's my opinion that Rod destroyed it.

I was going to have a big rant tonight about the take away curry we got after heading out to Aberlady to see my dad and anne and drop Mads off, but I can't be bothered now. I'll save my vitriol for the complaint I write to them. However I'll just say that if a restaurant are going to be rammed then perhaps they should warn their customers food might take fifty minutes instead of telling them twenty and perhaps if that does happen a wee apology for the delay might be in order....

Here's the song.

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