Andalusian life

By mrjenks

No Entry

After returning my hire car to the Industrial estate I decided to walk the few miles back home; since the weather was so nice. My path rambled into a 'No Entry' part of the estate... so I entered. Amongst the junk, there was a contrast of fresh green grass and rusted steel that stole my attention. Later I cooked some American style blueberry pancakes for Raminta and her parents.
No Blip on Thursday; I hired the car at nine 9am and Returned back at 2am the next day. I took a detour to visit my parents in pembrokeshire- I thought it only fair.
It was lovely to meet Ramitas parents, despite my nervs. There were a few silences due to the language barrier, but we managed to comunicate. Lets hope they will still like me by the end of the week.

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