Small Blue Ball

By smallblueball

Happy (Vapour) Trails

Day 61
19 Mar 11

The day after the No Fly Zone was declared
the day after a few hundred lives were saved
the day after a few hundred children were spared
the indignity of a dusty death, a tyrant raved
defiance to the moon, and the tanks rolled on.
So the dark deep silver fish fired their missiles
through the unsuspecting sea, and stars
tracked their fiery passing, like comets screaming
across the night sky; whilst three hours away cars
pulled into parking slots and ordered KFC.
The whole damn world has just changed again.
There will be threats against participant nations
(I guess that means us - again;) and there will be the pain
of loss in the sympathetic detonations
that will follow the decision for intervention.
I guess you cannot just sit on your hands
but I had just got used to the relative calm.
And high in the gathering dusk a plane flew past
on its way to far distant lands
Happy passengers heading for some faraway beach
with white sandy beaches and waving palms.
Better go and stock up on spam; the tyrant's reach
might well be long, and I'm fresh out of lucky charms.

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