
Wandered about the quiet streets of Amman for a couple of hours this afternoon. Most things are closed on Fridays but the odd shop and cafe were hoping for business.

Went to the Wild Jordan Center first though (well I directed the taxi driver in Arabinglish from the leaflet that I was given). It's a centre that offers information and promotes Jordan's natural heritage, with a nice wholesome cafe and shop. This means that I've already contributed to saving Jordan's wildlife, because I had lunch there, looking out across what would normally be the hustle and bustle of Downtown Amman.

Finally got my bearings, now that everything is no longer covered in snow and from the fact I actually walked somewhere. These children were playing football but were more interested in me for the second it took me to blip them!

Have updated the blog but you'll need to go to the about bit to get that, otherwise I'll be on the naughty step again. In the meantime, here's one to start you off!

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