
By blipburton

You never stop learning...

Master B is celebrating his first birthday today. The kitchen floor was covered in white paper and Master and his big sis were given two plates of paint and two paint brushes to play with. They were only a few minutes into it when I spotted the glare in his eyes.

I could almost hear the conversation going on in his little head. 'This is a plate, I normally eat food off this. Is this green stuff food, what does it taste like'? I wanted to shout 'paint' just in case he would understand and put the plate down.

As we suddenly realised the error of our decision to put paint on a plate - wallop! He put the plate down - on his face!

So today's lesson for Master B: Not everything presented to you on a plate is worth eating. And the parents: Don't be so surprised when your little boy won't eat all his peas at teatime!

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