creative lenna

By creativelenna

100th Blipsday for me!!

When I joined Blipfoto I thought it would be something interesting to do, that's all. Ha! I never thought I would start uploading photos on a daily basis. It took me quite by surprise that I got into doing that in just a couple of weeks. I've taken so many more photos since I joined blip, sheesh! I already took quite a few photos in general before joining. I've definitely ramped up since!! I'll bet you can understand : ^   )

Many thanks to my good friend Frieda Oxenham in Scotland, because it's all her fault!!! {grin}. One day soon I will get to Scotland to visit her and we will put our arms around each others shoulders and smile at the camera together. What a happy thought! Frieda and I already shared a lot via our art blogs, our emails to each other and art exchanges we are in together, but I really enjoy sharing our lives with each other through blip. Plus, I've also met so many fine and creative, talented people here. I also love visiting their journals! My time here so far has been really fun. It's taught me more about photography and I truly enjoy it so much.

For today's blip, my 100th - I took a photo that my husband Steven took of me with our 2 dogs Asia & Chloe (holding a 100 sign!) and combined it with a photo I took today of one of my mother's beautiful William Shakespeare Roses. Some day soon I will feature these roses in all their glory! Since joining blip I have tried working with Photoshop elements for the first time ever. I've had a few lessons (some here in the Tutorials) but mostly I just fool around and try all kinds of options working with layers. It is fun to try and sometimes I even surprise myself! Mostly I like learning something new that I was afraid to try before. For me it is now another different creative outlet!!

So this journal note is getting rambly, but hey! It's a special day. I have 8 more days until I reach 100 blip uploads in a row. I did not start publishing daily right away. After I reach that point in a week or so, I am considering giving myself permission to not upload something every single day. I have enjoyed the daily uploading but with my personality it might be better for me to not make myself have to do it. I am very obsessive in general and with daily journaling I end up taking and playing with tons of photos!! It takes so much time. We'll see . . . those are my thoughts. Thank you for visiting, commenting,and just enjoying! Love visiting with you and seeing your creative work! lenna

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