Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

foofoo dog goes kayaking

Riley had his first kayak adventure with Dr P and Louie.

It was very pleasant.

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring so daughter L camped out in the yard with her friends. In the morning they were covered with faux tattoos and Ashley had pierced her nose (for real).

E-man and his friends worked on their roller coaster project all weekend so they all slept over too.

I helped Aunt Ellen move her TV which required two trips into the crawl space to run the video cable.

Z-man isn't home (away at Tech), He started on the JV rugby team against Clemson. They won and Z scored. He'll be home next weekend for E-mans birthday.

Alex and I played a little frisbee and he seemed to enjoy all the teenage activity in the house. His knees hurt from too much soccer.

Dr P made the kids a feast of grilled chicken and Bratwurst.

Louie came home from the store with all sorts of junk food including Oreos.

I slept like a log Saturday night in spite of all the commotion.


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