
By cracker

Duck Point

This morning Kaz went out for a run on the beach while Spence and I snuggled in the bed! Kaz started working and Spence and I played for a bit then went across the road to the beach and had a lovely play! We built a sandcastle (that didn't last long before Spence trampled on it!!), collected shells in our bucket (which didn't last very long because Spence tipped them out into the water!!), played in the waves and ran about!

We came back to the house, had a shower and a snack then went into Foster to meet up with Shell, baby Ella, our friend Stacey and her 5 y/o daughter Taysha! We played at the house for a bit and then went out for lunch! It was great to catch up with them again, it had been a while!

We came home and I tried to get Spence to have a sleep at about 3pm but he wasn't interested! At 4pm Kaz finished work and then we went for a drive to Duck Point. It is where the Yanakie Caravan Park is and where there is a boat ramp. Kaz has a little sail boat so is always on the lookout for places to put it in the water! Spence slept the whole way there and was still asleep while Kaz and I got out and had a little look around then still slept until we got back!

He is watching Charlie and Lola now and came up to us before and said 'I want to go to Duck Point'!!

I took this photo this morning just before we went to the beach!

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