Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

The conference day

Do you know the feeling... when the last keynote of the conference just flies by. Not because it's beyond understanding. Rather because you know "there's nothing more to do - now I've done my share"

Do you know the feeling... when at the conference dinner you are on the very table most of the speakers are. And you are enjoying every moment of it. Enjoying the hard work. Laughing with Friends.

Do you know the feeling... when you can share all the above with your big brother. The one and only brother you love and cherish the most.

Do you know the feeling... when leaving home and you hear the biggest compliment of the day. Something one cannot comprehend.

Do you know the feeling... when the compliment really touches oneself. And you can feel the warmth inside. And you don't quite remember the actual words said - being in such a 'relaxed state of mind'.

I know. I really do.

And all those were so totally worth the time and energy spent.

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