
By PicturePoems

Pheasant's Phiancée?

A phew days ago I photographed Mr Pheasant. Just now there was a massive thump on the flat roof above us, and a couple of phemale pheasants bounced into the phield. They ran quite phast, so only managed to get this shot of one of them. I wonder if she's the phuture Mrs Pheasant?

Blipped late, in the grey evening, as I used up the sunshine sitting in a hospital waiting room, waiting to meet my surgeon and sign the consent form for surgery on Thursday. Feel better about it now as he was a confidence-inspiring professor. So he's done the routine op a fair few times over the past 30 years!

Hope to keep my 365 blips going without a break, though may have to back-blip and/or rely on a little help from family to keep going. This is my 124th consecutive blip, so hope it works out. If I don't make (m)any comments for a while, from 25th March, you'll know why!

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