Pull a funny face

This took several attempts - I asked Kerr to pull a funny face this evening for my blip, and he took it quite literally. He started pulling at his lips and mouth. I then asked him again and he began pulling at his nose, then my nose!

Eventually he realised what we were after, and did this kind of frown / evil stare. That will have to do!

Kerr seems to be going through a hungry phase these days. He ate very well at mum and dad's today, then came home and scoffed a large bowl of tuna pasta, half a hot cross bun with butter and jam, a full banana, 2 dry crackers and a cup of milk! He will be eating us out of house and home soon enough if he carries on at this rate.

He has also started occasionally putting 2 words together, which I noticed for the first time last week. He has said 'beepbeep Fudgey' to get past Fudge in the hall, 'Boo Mummy' when playing peekaboo with me, and then today on the swing in Gran and Grandpa's garden he said 'Mummy push'.

This photo has also reminded me that I must take Kerr to the barber's - his hair is wild these days! Haircut on Wednesday is the plan.

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